Thursday, April 15, 2010

Peter Steele - R.I.P.

Peter Steele - R.I.P.
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

Peter Steele - A great musician, an incredible voice, a wonderful inspiration.... thank you for what you gave us, may you rest in peace...

The picture was taken from a Type O Negative Promo shoot posted on their website, my space and facebook, I took the liberty to use it without permission, may the copyright holders forgive me on such a day!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The world is killing me

The world is killing me
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

This image was inspired by Type O Negative's cover artwork in general and their song "Life is killing me", which I was listening to whilst waiting at my psychiatrist's office, as well as the fuzz and talking and speculating about the economy in Greece over the past months.
It's at least saddening and frustrating that a fistful of mother@#%& money makers can bend the already wounded economy of a whole country to it's knees. I'm not saying that our politicians didn't play their part in wounding it in the first place, but the speculations that have taken place over the last months have spread despair and exploitation upon millions of people...

Friday, April 2, 2010

she's like a rainbow

she's like a rainbow
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

Created for Ghostworks' SP Collaboration
Original image by Nancee_art,
textures by me


Originally uploaded by darkwood67

Created for 1 pic 2 souls
Original image by bunchadogs & susan

fb-friend 11

friend 11
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

this picture is not to be used without my written permission

fb-friend 6

friend 6
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

this picture is not to be used without my written permission

fb-friend 5

friend 5
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

this picture is not to be used without my written permission