Sunday, February 21, 2010


Ένα πρόσωπο στο πλήθος,
και άμεσα καταρρίπτεται ο μύθος,
πως ο έρωτας με μια ματιά,
είναι παραμύθι
που λέμε στα παιδιά.

Στον δρόμο η οπτασία,
με καμάρι και καμία δυσπλασία,
εκβιάσει αισθήματα χαράς,
και κάνει αληθινό
το χαμόγελο που φοράς.

Την ίδια στιγμή που νιώθεις
να πνίγεσαι στην δική σου άρνηση,
να χάνεσαι από πλήρη αυτοκατάργηση,
πως δεν υπάρχει σκοπός
ούτε ελπίδα,
πως καλύτερα θα ήσουνα νεκρός,
ξεπροβάλει αυτή σαν ηλιαχτίδα.

Η προσωπική σου οπτασία,
που σου δίνει προστασία,
σου δίνει δύναμη
και περιμένεις,
να σταματήσει η βροχή που πέφτει,
να δεις κάποιον άλλον στον καθρέφτη,
να πάψει ο θόρυβος να σε κουφαίνει,
να μην αισθάνεσαι τον πόνο που σε πεθαίνει,
να αγγίξεις λίγο από το φως,
και περιμένεις...

English translation

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

now and then (8)

now and then (8)
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

textures by Nasos3

strange and derranged pictures of Athens that came as a result of a task put on to me by a friend: The past and the present of our city!

now and then (5)

now and then (5)
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

textures by skeletal mess

strange and derranged pictures of Athens that came as a result of a task put on to me by a friend: The past and the present of our city!

now and then (4)

now and then (4)
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

textures by les brumes

strange and derranged pictures of Athens that came as a result of a task put on to me by a friend: The past and the present of our city!

now and then (7)

now and then (7)
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

textures by ghostbones

strange and derranged pictures of Athens that came as a result of a task put on to me by a friend: The past and the present of our city!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Leather Wings

Leather Wings
Originally uploaded by darkwood67

New Day (Love me again)

New Day (Love me again)
Originally uploaded by darkwood67



I'm a loner,
I'm a drifter.
I'm a mindless backwards shifter.
Drifting lonely through my dreams,
shifting clueless different schemes.
Caught inside an endless must,
I feel just useless to adjust
I'm a loner,
I'm a drifter.
I'm a sourceless trouble sifter.
looking for a soul mate,
looking for a sister.